


Terakoya Online

Welcome to Terakoya Online.


My name is Yoko Kuroiwa. As a teenager, I hated public speaking. I was a very quiet student in the high school, having always been too nervous to speak up in front of people. But, after I took a course called “Public Speaking” at university, everything changed. I learned that giving a speech is actually something to enjoy. It was then that I decided to enter the professional world of communications. I first became a journalist for a major newspaper company in Japan and published more than 1,000 articles. Then, since I wanted to speak to many more people outside Japan, I got a job with the United Nations and an international NGO. I have lived in nine different countries over 17 years. I published two books in Japanese and have been a blogger for Huffpost Japan.

Terakoya is an old temple school where Japanese children traditionally learned basic communications skills, how to read and write. Terakoya Online is a communications consultancy anyone can contact online.

Terakoya Online has three types of service.


1.Public Speaking

If you have to make a speech at a wedding or a ceremony or any other occasion, but do not have full confidence, I can coach you through individual consultation and organizing a practical session.


2.Job Interviews

Despite their fluency in Japanese and high academic performance, many foreign job applicants are rejected by Japanese companies in the job interviews. This is largely due to their lack of understanding of Japanese corporate culture. I can help you gain confidence in your Japanese job interviewing skills through mock interviews and individual consultation.


3.Media Relations

Japanese media functions very differently from its foreign counterparts. If you feel your activity is worth media attention, but do not know how to get exposure in Japanese media, I can help you to prepare press releases or give a special workshop on media relations in Japan.



Yoko Kuroiwa
Email: [yokuroi] and @ and Hotmail.com